Donate or Volunteer
Support the LCA!
Our Mission… engaging artists and the community to inspire, educate, and nurture the arts
Lakes Center for the Arts needs your support to meet its goals
The Lakes Center for the Arts was created to help the Lakes Region develop a healthy and sustainable arts culture. It is a proven fact that a vibrant arts culture is a draw for tourism, business and employment.
Currently, LCA’s only public face is its website. LCA needs a physical space. Ideally, it needs to own the space, but for now it just needs a space for workshops, a gallery, meetings, event equipment storage, and offices. Do you have or know of an available space for the LCA? Do you have a space you can donate or offer in other ways? LCA needs to hear from you. Please contact us.
Donations can take several forms; money is always good, but we also need volunteers for both the Board of Directors, to man pop-up galleries, event setup and takedown, administration, writing the LCA Newsletter, contacting potential donors and supporters, artist and all the other needs that go into running LCA and executing its mission.
LCA needs incentives to generate artist memberships. If you have a business can you offer discounts to LCA artists? The LCA can offer those discounts as an incentive to join and your business can grow its customer base. While this is beneficial for art supply vendors and framing shops your business does not have to be arts related. Artists have the same needs everyone else does – they drive cars, own or rent their homes and buy everyday needs. Please contact LCA if you would like to help.
Do you have business, management, finance, marketing, grant writing or other experience that could be useful to the Lakes Center for the Arts? We need your experience, knowledge and advice as a Board member. If you love the arts and want to help grow arts culture in the Lakes Region, please contact us at the LCA.
Are you an art lover and simply want to donate your time and ambition to be involved in the arts? LCA needs volunteers. You don’t need any particular experience other than your desire to help. Contact the LCA today!
Donations Can Take Many Forms
» Become a Lakes Center for the Arts Member
» Money
» Donations of Stock or Other Securities
» A Bequest in Your Will
» Donations of Property
• A Building
• Workshops & Classrooms
• Gallery Space
• Office Space
• Storage Space
» Donations of Equipment and Supplies
» Become a Board Member, we need your expertise!
» Volunteering
A Building
Workshops & Classrooms
Gallery Space
Office Space
Storage Space
Individual & Business Donor Levels
All donor levels receive these benefits:
- Invitation to LCA Events
- Email advance notification of LCA Events
- Receive the LCA Newsletter (when it is available)
Individual $50/yr
Family $75/yr
Supporter $150/yr
Name on the Supporter’s List on the Donors webpage
Patron $500+
Name on the Patron’s List on the Donors webpage
Sponsor $1,000+
Name on the Sponsor’s List on the Donors webpage
Benefactor $2,500+
Name or Business logo and link to business website on the Benefactor’s List on the Donors webpage for a full year.
Exhibit Sponsor $(Contact LCA)
LCA will promote your business as an Event Sponsor by:
- Displaying your company name and logo on all promotional material for the Event
- Displaying your company name and logo on all LCA website pages associated to the Event
- Displaying your company name and logo at the Event
- Your company name and logo will continue to be displayed on LCA’s website in the Past Events pages as a sponsor for that event even after the event is over
All memberships are annual and renew on your membership anniversary date